Tooth Extractions

Dental Extractions in Aurora, Colorado

Dental Extractions

Expose & Bonds

It’s possible a tooth doesn’t need to be extracted, just helped along. Sometimes impacted teeth can be guided out of hiding through a procedure called an “expose and bond.” This is a simple surgery where the tooth is exposed from the gum and a bracket is bonded to it, so it can be slowly pulled into place over the following months.

Dental Extractions

When a tooth does need to be pulled, it’s not a job for just anyone. In addition, if you put it off, it may impact the nearby teeth or your general health. Save yourself from additional pain and money by prioritizing any needed dental extractions.


Wisdom Tooth Removal

Most people are familiar with the idea of Wisdom Teeth removal. After all, since these are the last teeth to come in, there is often not enough room for them in your mouth. This can create a wide range of problems, from creating misaligned teeth to extreme discomfort. Wisdom Teeth that overcrowd your mouth can even create problems with your bite! If they are partially or fully impacted, it becomes even more dangerous to leave them be.


Schedule your Consultation

Instead of being overwhelmed, it’s time to bring in the experts at Summit Oral and Facial Surgery to help you determine if it’s time to remove a tooth. Whether you’re already in pain, or simply want to avoid it, contact our office in Aurora, Colorado to schedule a consultation.

Schedule an Appointment

Request An Appointment

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our office by phone or complete the appointment request form below. Our scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm your appointment.

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